As like all human activities,
an organization if fraught with risks to its well-being and even its very
survival. Managing a business is managing its business risks.
The ability of an organization
to respond quickly to an disruptive incident, taking prompt, decisive and
effective actions to deal with it will survive and prosper. This organisation
will have better assurance of maintaining continuous business operations that
will safeguard its value creating assets, human capital, and brand equity. This
is known as Business Resilience.
Business resilience is a step
forward beyond the disaster recovery, as the adage says 'prevention is better
than cure'. Hence, risk management is its precursor to resilience, as well as
crisis management to respond to an emerging crisis situation. With business resilience, business operations
are maintained at their peak, with no or manageable disruptions. has since 1993; over 23 years
of expertise that is helpful in helping build business resilience in your
organization. Coupled with propriety software solutions, clients are able to
identify business risks, big to small, disastrous and minor, and take
definitive actions to eliminate them, or mitigate their impact, and to develop
response plans to deal with them should they show themselves up.